Glyph - Introducing Glyph Macros

The most important concept to grasp about Glyph is the concept of macro.

A Glyph macro is, in a nutshell, an identifier of some kind that wraps a value or parameters within square brackets. More specifically:

  • The macro identifier can contain any character except for: [, ], \, |, @ or spaces.
  • The delimiters can be either [ and ] or [= and =] (for more information on differences between delimiters, see Escaping and Quoting).
  • The value can be anything, even other macros. If a macro supports more than one parameter, they must be separated with |. For example, the link macro can take an optional second parameter for the link text: link[#link_id|This is the link text].
  • A macro can also have attributes, which look exactly like macros but their identifier starts with a @.

A macro can often have one or more aliases. For example, => is an alias for the link macro, so the following macro calls are equivalent:

  • =>[#test|Test Section]
  • link[#test|Test Section]