Glyph - Inline Macros


Creates a named anchor (or bookmark).

Aliases: bookmark, #

Example: #[test|Test Bookmark]


Parameter Description
0 The identifier of the bookmark
1 The contents of the bookmark (optional)


If the document.draft setting is set to true, displays a draft comment within the document.

Aliases: dc

Example: dc[This is printed only in draft documents.]


Parameter Description
0 The text of the comment.


Creates a For More Information link (for an example usage, see the link macro).

Example: fmi[creating links|#links]


Parameter Description
0 The object that needs additional explanation.
1 A valid bookmark within the document.

Creates an hyperlink (for more information on creating links, see Links and Bookmarks).

Aliases: =>

Example: =>[|]


Parameter Description
0 A valid bookmark within the document or an URL.
1 The text of the link (optional).


Saves the value as a TODO item, which can be printed using the todo command and included in the document if the document.draft setting is set to true.

Aliases: !

Example: todo[Remember to do this.]