Pragmatic Programmer, published author, Ruby core committer.
The creator of the Ruby Programming Language.
Pragmatic Programmer, published author, Ruby core committer.
Creator of the Ruby on Rails framework.
Semi-legendary, prolific Ruby developer, core committer, blogger, book author. Mysteriously disappeared in
August 2009.
Rails core committer, lead developer of the Merb project.
Published author, blogger. Known for the Little Humble Ruby Book.
Published author, editor of Addison-Wesley's Professional Ruby Series, enterpreneur.
JRuby core committer, published author, blogger.
Published author, blogger, enterpreneaur. Creator of Ruby Inside.
Technical Evangelist, blogger, published author, and Ruby's unofficial benchmarker.
Pragmatic Programmer, published author.
Creator of, one of the best resources for learning Ruby.
Ruby core committer, published.
Ruby core committer, conference organizer, published author and blogger.
Ruby core committer, maintainer of RubyInstaller for Windows.
Ruby core committer, blogger.
Founder of EnvyLabs, creator of many Ruby and Rails-related podcasts, including Ruby5.
Founder of 5by5 Studios, creator and host of The Ruby Show podcast.
Co-host of The Ruby Show podcast.
Creator of Ruby Version Manager (RVM).
Maintainer of Hackety Hack, creator of