Ruby Compendium - Notable Rubyists

Chad Fowler@chadfowler
Pragmatic Programmer, published author, Ruby core committer.
Yukihiro Matsumoto@yukihiro_matz
The creator of the Ruby Programming Language.
Dave Thomas@pragdave
Pragmatic Programmer, published author, Ruby core committer.
David Heinemeier Hansson@dhh
Creator of the Ruby on Rails framework.
why the lucky stiff@_why
Semi-legendary, prolific Ruby developer, core committer, blogger, book author. Mysteriously disappeared in August 2009.
Yehuda Katz@wycatz
Rails core committer, lead developer of the Merb project.
Jeremy McAnally@jm
Published author, blogger. Known for the Little Humble Ruby Book.
Obie Fernandez@obie
Published author, editor of Addison-Wesley's Professional Ruby Series, enterpreneur.
Ola Bini@olabini
JRuby core committer, published author, blogger.
Peter Cooper@peterc
Published author, blogger, enterpreneaur. Creator of Ruby Inside.
Antonio Cangiano@acangiano
Technical Evangelist, blogger, published author, and Ruby's unofficial benchmarker.
Andy Hunt@pragmaticandy
Pragmatic Programmer, published author.
Satish Talim@indianguru
Creator of, one of the best resources for learning Ruby.
David A. Black@david_a_black
Ruby core committer, published.
James Edward Gray II@jeg2
Ruby core committer, conference organizer, published author and blogger.
Luis Lavena@luislavena
Ruby core committer, maintainer of RubyInstaller for Windows.
Aaron Petterson@tenderlove
Ruby core committer, blogger.
Gregg Pollack@greggpollack
Founder of EnvyLabs, creator of many Ruby and Rails-related podcasts, including Ruby5.
Dan Benjamin@danbenjamin
Founder of 5by5 Studios, creator and host of The Ruby Show podcast.
Jason Seifer@jseifer
Co-host of The Ruby Show podcast.
Wayne E. Seguin@wayneeseguin
Creator of Ruby Version Manager (RVM).
Steve Klabnik@steveklabnik
Maintainer of Hackety Hack, creator of