Glyph - Bookmark Statistics

Displaying stats about all bookmarks

To display statistics about all bookmarks, execute glyph stats --bookmarks. Glyph displays something like this:

 1===== Bookmarks
 2-- Total Bookmarks: 241
 3-- Total Referenced Bookmarks: 89
 4-- Total Unreferenced Bookmarks: 155
 5-- Bookmarks:
 6     attribute_intro  auto_regeneration   c_add      c_compile  c_config                           
 7     c_help           c_init              c_outline  c_todo     cfg                                
 8     cfg_document     cfg_filters         cfg_ref    cmd_ref    compile  
10-- Referenced Bookmarks:
11   - attribute_intro (1)
12   - auto_regeneration (2)
13   - c_add (2)
14   - c_compile (10)
15   - c_config (6)
16   - c_init (1)
17   - c_outline (1)
19-- Unreferenced Bookmarks:
20     c_help     cmd_ref    expanded_values        extending     h_1                                
21     h_10       h_102      h_105                  h_107         h_109                              
22     h_111      h_112      h_114                  h_115         h_117    


  • All the automatically-generated bookmarks (like headers, starting with h_) are included as well.

Displaying stats about a single bookmark

To display statistics about a single bookmark (e.g. rubydoc), execute glyph stats --bookmark=c_config. Glyph displays something like this:

1===== Bookmark 'c_config' (header)
2-- Defined in: text/ref_commands.glyph
3-- Referenced in:
4   - text/changelog.glyph (2)
5   - text/getting_started/configuration.glyph (1)
6   - text/troubleshooting/errors_command.glyph (3)


  • Do not prepend the bookmark ID with #.