Some updates

Quite a bit of time passed since the last blog post, and I'm actually sorry about that, but as I thought, I don't have as much free time as I used to be. Work is work, after all!
This post will be multipurpose as actually I bluid up a few things to write about in the last few days… erhm, ok, weeks.

New Website Design

Something different eh? Yep, definitely! Some time ago I started a small project called Re-design hoping that some GFX guru could provide a new template for this website, and actually in the end I decided to accept the work of Bartus F. Teipel a Brazilian CakePHP enthusiast.
Bartus is obviously (MUCH) more talented than me when it comes to design, and I was amazed at the quality of the template he provided, in a really short time.
Unfortunately he didn't yet provide a link to his main website/portfolio, but for now all I can show you is his website for party pics, CircusCircus.

The new template sports a more contemporary Web2.0-ish look which I like a lot, and Bartus used libraries like prototype, moo.fx and Nifty Corners Cube for the AJAX effects and functionalities.
A really outstanding work, thanks Bartus!

The CakePHP Herald project has been completed

With my latest article about CakePHP published on SitePoint, the CakePHP Herald project was completed.
I must say that I really enjoyed writing all those articles about CakePHP, and the only thing I regret is not to have written anything (yet) about some more advanced topic about CakePHP. This was mostly due to – again – lack of time to focus on advanced topic and produce some quality examples.

However, judging by the positive feedback I received about the articles, I am really happy of the final result: even more people discovered the power of CakePHP and became bakers. Happy baking to all of you!

So… no more articles about Cake? Maybe not for a while, I think I'll be rather busy in the following months. Curious? Read on :-)

My biggest and most important project

I actually got really pissed off with Larry, Garret & the other Master Bakers because of what they wrote on the announcement for the latest CakePHP release:

“[…]In other news, some new articles were published on Sitepoint 3 and in the International PHP magazine 4. Fabio Cevasco 5 is the man behind these articles. Together with Fabio, we will be writing a book that will be published […]”

After all this time I spent trying desperately not to say a word about it they came out and heralded it out of nowhere. Sigh… they ruined the surprise effect! Oh well, it's too late now, isn't it?

So yes, when I say that I'm spending at least 60% of my time (at work and at home) writing I really mean it. The rest? Well, I do have a lovely girlfriend after all!!!